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Special Biological Physics Seminar: Daniel Sussman (Syracuse U.)

September 12, 2018 - 8:30pm

Special Biological Physics Seminar

Daniel Sussman (Syracuse University)

Anomalous bulk and boundary behavior in simple models of dense biological tissue

Dense biological tissues and cellular aggregates display a rich variety of complex, non-equilibrium phenomena. For example, recent experiments have suggested that confluent cellular monolayers may lie close to a collective rigidity transition controlled not by density but by the shapes of the cells. Motivated by such results, I will explore the theoretical predictions that a broad class of shape-based models for dense tissue make for the behavior of cells in the bulk and at tissue boundaries. These predictions – such as anomalous tissue surface tension at the boundary between different cell types – often differ by orders of magnitude from naïve expectations, and may be understood via a combination of geometrical and topological considerations. I will discuss the relevance of the predicted surface phenomenon for processes such as cell sorting and compartmentalization, and compare with experimental results.
September 12, 2018    1:30pm     Location: SE-1 270K

Contact Information

Daniel Beller
Assistant Professor