Click here for colloquia within your future light cone.
2024 Spring Semester
2023 Fall Semester
Arvind Murugan, University of Chicago
Oleg Yazyev, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
2023 Spring Semester
Senior thesis presentations
Tomas Rube, University of California Merced
Prediction of protein-ligand binding affinity from sequencing data with interpretable machine learning
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Andrea Liu, UPenn
Learning about Function
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Beth Nowadnick, UC Merced
Ferroelectric oxides: from fundamental physics to next-generation electronics
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Tobias Zier, University of California, Merced
Ultrafast light and Matter: The two get along!
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Uroš Seljak, UC Berkeley
Machine Learning for Physics, Physics for Machine Learning
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Jon Arenberg, Northrup Grumman
The Ongoing Adventures of an Industrial Physicist
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Sebastian Streichan, University of California Santa Barbara
Physics of living matter: from molecule to embryo
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Carol Hood, California State University, San Bernardino
Oh, the Places You’ll Go! – A discussion on professional development in STEM
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2022 Fall Semester
Alex Pettitt, California State University Sacramento
The Morphology and Structure of Spiral Galaxies
[Flyer] [Video]
Alexander Weber- Bargioni, LBNL
Engineering heterostructures in 2 – D solids to define new localized quantum states with quantum coherent properties
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Nigel Goldenfeld, UCSD
The Life and Death of Turbulence
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Joey Paulsen, Syracuse University
The Wrinkle-to-Crumple Transition in Thin Elastic Solids
[Flyer] [Video]
Vik Dakal, Iowa State University
Stability of Perovskite Materials and Solar Cells
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Hilary Hurst, San José State University
Building a Robust Quantum Ecosystem in the Lab and the Classroom
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Michelle Driscoll, Northwestern University
Drop impact of complex fluids: shear jamming with free surfaces
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Simon Birrer, Stanford University
Measuring The Expansion Rate Of The Universe With Gravitationally Lensed Multiply Imaged Flickers
[Flyer] [Video]
2022 Spring Semester
Senior thesis presentations
Senior thesis presentations
Raymond Hall, California State University, Fresno
The use of Social Media as a Museum of Science and Math
Ruqian Wu, UC Irvine
Theoretical Studies of Magnetic and Topological Materials
Paul Chaikin, New York University
Random Close Packing as a Dynamical Phase Transition: Jamming, Hyperuniformity and Photonics
Yuriy Pershin, University of South Carolina
Probabilistic modeling of ReRAM networks
Lakshminarayanan Mahadevan, Harvard University
Karen Masters, Haverford College
Spiral Arms in Galaxies
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Ahmed Farag Ali, UC merced
Quantum Gravity on Tabletop
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Doug Cleaver, Sheffield Hallam University
Simulations of Soft Materials - Identifying and Accessing the Key Length-Scales
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Ana Bonaca, Carnegie Observatories
Weaving the Milky Way Tapestry
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Zia Mian, Princeton University
Dismantling the Nuclear Doomsday Machine: Scientists, the Bomb, and the Challenges of Nuclear Disarmament
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Alexander Rudolph, California State Polytechnic University
Cal-Bridge: Overcoming Barriers to Engagement of Underrepresented Students in STEM PhD Programs
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2021 Fall Semester
Kimberly Weirich, Clemson University
Self-organization and Shape Change in Anisotropic Biopolymer Assemblies
Anna Nierenberg, UC Merced
Testing the Nature of Dark Matter with Strong Gravitational Lensing
Margaret Gardel, University of Chicago
Physics of Morphogenetic Matter
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Mohamed Amine Gharbi, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Reconfigurable Assembly of Nanoparticles in Smectic Films Confined at Curved Surfaces
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Frank van den Bosch, Yale University
New Insight into Cosmology and the Galaxy-Halo Connection from Non-Linear Scales
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Abhay Pasupathy, Columbia University
New Quantum Materials by Twisting and Stretching
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Xufeng Wu, NHLBI (NIH)
Principles and Applications of Super Resolution Imaging to Studies of Cytoskeletal Dynamics in Living Cells
Janice C. Lee, Gemini Observatories (NOIRLab)
The PHANGS HST & JWST Surveys: A Census of Star Clusters and Multi-Scale Stellar Associations in Nearby Spiral Galaxies
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Dong Yu, UC Davis
Exciton Transport in Halide Perovskites and Topological Insulators
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Gia-Wei Chern, University of Virginia
Quantum Molecular Dynamics of Metal-Insulator Transition In Correlated Electron Systems Theory
Kristina Callaghan, UC Merced
Strategies for Increasing the Effectiveness of Active Learning in the Classroom
2021 Spring Semester
Sarah Loebman, UC Merced
Connecting Across Scales: Simulating and Understanding the Evolving Milky Way
Hui Cai, UC Merced
Tailoring the Properties of 2D Materials from Controlled Synthesis
Francesca Serra, Johns Hopkins University
Liquid crystal topological defects across phases and materials
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John Perdew, Temple University
Predictive Power of the Exact Contraints and Appropriate Norms in Density Functional Theory, with Interpretations of Ground-State Symmetry Breaking and Strong Correlation
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Charlie Conroy, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Mapping the Galaxy with the H3 Survey
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Marla Geha, Yale University
The SAGA Survey: Exploring Satellite Galaxies Around Milky Way Analogs
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Linda Hung, Toyota Research Institute
Machine Learning to Accelerate the Discovery of Energy Materials
TeYu Chien, University of Wyoming
Electronic Properties of Novel Materials – Photovoltaic, 2D Magnetic, and Topological Materials
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Alison Patteson, Syracuse University
How Cells Cope with Stress and Handle COVID-19
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2020 Fall Semester
Brian Utter, UC Merced
Jamming, clogging, and confinement in dense granular and suspension flows
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Gurtina Besla, University of Arizona
The Milky Way In Motion
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Oskar Hallatschek, UC Berkeley
The Role of Chance in the Survival of the Fittest
Aristotle Socrates, TextNow and UCSC
From Black Holes to Big Data
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Kelle Cruz, CUNY Hunter College
Software Development, Collaboration, and Removing Barriers to Access in Astronomy
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Félicie Albert, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Laser-Plasma Accelerators: Next Generation X-Ray Light Sources
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Nicola Spaldin, ETH Zürich
From Materials to Cosmology: Studying the Early Universe Under the Microscope
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Nathaniel Stern, Northwestern University
Playing with Photons in Flatland: Controlling Light and Matter in Two-Dimensional Materials
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David Hogg, New York University
Seeing Orbits and Seeing the Dark Matter
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Keir Neuman, National Institutes of Health
Cracking and buckling: Defect driven mechanics of collagen and DNA
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Moumita Das, Rochester Institute of Technology
Collective Behavior Underlying the Mechanobiology of Tissues
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Julia Yeomans, University of Oxford
Self-Propelled Topological Defects
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David Grier, New York University
Holography and the Pandemic: Using holographic video microscopy for rapid immunoassays
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Sharon Gerbode, Harvey Mudd College
Shape Matters — How Wavy Crystal Grains Shrink Faster
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2020 Spring Semester
Loren Hough, University of Colorado, Boulder
Disorder as a Driver of Biological Filtration
Biophysics Experiment
Jing Xu
Video Link
Jeffrey Neaton, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Novel Materials for Energy Applications from First Principles
Condensed Matter Theory
David Strubbe (student invited)
Video Link
Brian Nord, Fermi lab/UChicago
AI In the Sky: The Promise and Peril for the use of Artificial Intelligence in Cosmology and Society
Sarah Loebman
Video Link
Rena Zieve, UC Davis
Cyclone of a Cell: Single Vortex Studies
Condensed Matter Experiment
Dustin Kleckner
Video Link
Graduate visits day
Adrian Lupascu, University of Waterloo
Design of High-Order and Long-Range Interactions for Quantum Annealers
Condensed Matter/AMO Theory
Lin Tian
UC Merced APS March Meeting sessions
Nir Gov, Weizmann Institute
The Physics of Cooperative Transport in Groups of Ants
Soft/Bio Theory
Kinjal Dasbiswas
Video Link
The remaining colloquia for the semester are cancelled until further notice because of the COVID-19 situation.
Sharon Gerbode, Harvey Mudd College
Soft/Bio Experiment
Kinjal Dasbiswas
Spring Recess/César Chávez day
Oskar Hallatschek, UC Berkeley
Biophysics Experiment/Theory
Daniel Beller
Steven Louie, UC Berkeley
Condensed Matter Theory
David Strubbe
Ari Socrates, Juvo and UCSC
Ajay Gopinathan
L Mahadevan, Harvard University
Soft/Bio Theory
Ajay Gopinathan
Undergraduate Thesis presentations
2019 Fall Semester
Location: COB2 140
Jorge G. Moreno Soto (Pomona College)
Galaxy Encounters: From the Interstellar Medium to the Cosmic Web
(Astrophysics simulation)
Host: Kinjal Dasbiswas
[Video Link]
Samuel Safran (Weizmann Institute)
Nonlinear Dynamics of Spontaneously Beating Heart Cells
(Soft/Bio theory)
Host: Kinjal Dasbiswas
Tzu-Ming Lu (Sandia National Lab)
SiGe-based Quantum Electronic Devices
(Condensed Matter experiment)
Host: Michael Scheibner
[Video Link]
Mehran Kardar (MIT)
Force From Non-Equilibrium Fluctuations in QED and Active Matter
(Soft/Statistical Physics Theory)
Host: Daniel Beller
[Video Link]
Ettore Vitali (CSU Fresno)
Computational Physics: Computers as Virtual Laboratories to Study Quantum Systems
(Condensed Matter Theory)
Host: David Strubbe
[Video Link]
Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz (UCSC)
Cosmic Alchemy in the Era of Gravitational Wave Astronomy
(Astrophysics Theory)
Host: Ajay Gopinathan
[Audio Link]
Chih-Chun Chien (UC Merced)
Surprises in Transport of Particles and Energy
(Condensed Matter Theory)
Host: Kinjal Dasbiswas
[Audio Link]
Tugrul Senger (İzmir Institute of Technology)
Thermoelectric Performance of Two-Dimensional Materials
(Condensed Matter Theory)
Host: Mehmet Baykara
[Video Link]
Alexander Petersen (UC Merced)
Cross-Disciplinary Adventures in Complex Systems: From Physics to Management Science
(Complexity research)
Host: Kinjal Dasbiswas
[Video Link]
Mark O. Robbins (Johns Hopkins University)
A "Rough" View on Friction and Adhesion
(Condensed Matter Theory)
Host: Mehmet Baykara
[Video Link]
Julio Barreiro (UC San Diego)
Ultracold Strontium for Condensed-Matter Simulations and Quantum Sensing
(AMO/Condensed Matter Experiment)
Host: Chih-Chun Chien
Srividya Iyer-Biswas (Purdue University)
From Frozen to Flowing Time
(Biophysics Experiment)
Host: Kinjal Dasbiswas
Meng Shen (McGill University)
(Soft matter theory)
The Understanding and Design of Composite Soft Materials
Host: Daniel Beller
Alexander Levine (UCLA)
(Soft/Bio Theory)
Host: Kinjal Dasbiswas
Exploring Soft Low-Dimensional Structures in the Cell: Fluctuations, Mechanics, and Geometry
2019 Spring Semester
Location: COB2 170
Kinjal Dasbiswas (UC Merced)
QSB seminar that maybe of interest to physicists:
“Magic Numbers in Protein Phase Transitions”
1:30 - 2:45pm, Student Service Building (SSB), Room 130
Host: Mehmet Baykara
Jessica Kirkpatrick (KoBold Metals, data science in industry)
Host: David Strubbe
Service Learning in Physics
2018 Fall Semester
Location: COB2 170
David Quint (UCM NSF CREST)
[Host: Ajay Gopinathan]
No Colloquium
2018 Spring Semester
Location: SSB 120
2018 Spring Semester: SSB 120
January 19
James Palko (UC Merced)
Understanding and Optimizing Energy and Mass Transport in Porous Materials for Energy, Water, and Thermal Management Applications
[Host: David Strubbe]
January 26
Venkatt Ayyaswamy (UC Merced)
The Exciting Future of Microplasma: Role of Computations
February 2
Babak Sanii (Claremont College)
Engineering Self-Assembly at Micro and Macro Scales
[Host: Anand Subramaniam]
February 9
Alex Noy (UC Merced/LLNL)
Molecular Transport and Nanoscale Confinement in Carbon Nanotube Porins
February 16
Victor Muñoz (UC Merced)
Probing the Mechanical Unfolding of Single Protein Molecules at High Resolution
February 23
Robin Selinger (Kent State)
Modeling Liquid Crystal Elastomers: From Auto-origami to Light-driven Autonomous Soft Robotics
[Host: Linda Hirst]
March 2
Jennifer Lu (UC Merced)
A New Class of Submolecular Switches Based on Conformational Changes
[Host: David Strubbe]
March 9
Barbara Jacak (UC Berkeley and LBNL)
Strongly Coupled QCD Matter
[Host: Kevin Mitchel]
March 16
Linda Strubbe (Univ of British Columbia)
Teaching Scientific Thinking in Canada, West Africa, and Central Asia
[Host: David Strubbe]
April 6
Joshua Casara (UC Merced)
Effects of Strain on the Optical Properties of Quantum Dot Molecules
[Host: Michael Scheibner]
April 13
Arvind Gopinath (UC Merced)
Active Thermodynamics in Bacterial Swarms
April 20
Eric Dunham (Stanford)
Physics of Earthquakes and Tsunamis
[Host: Jing Xu]
April 27
L. Mahadevan (Harvard)
Wisdom of Hives and Mounds: Collective Problem Solving by Super-organisms
[Host: Ajay Gopinathan]
May 4
Undergraduate Thesis Presentations
[Organizer: Lin Tian]
2017 Fall semester: COB 263
- 08/25 Jesse Silverberg - Soft, Structured, Living Materials (Wyss Institute, Harvard) --- Bin Liu
- 09/01 Raghuveer Parthasarathy - {Biophysics} (University of Oregon) --- Ajay Gopinathan
- 09/07 Roya Zandi - {Quantum Simulation} (UC Riverside) --- Sai Ghosh
- 09/15 Marco Bernardi - {Condensed Matter Theory} (Caltech) --- David Strubbe
- 09/22 Sophie Dumont - {Biophysics} (UCSF) --- Ajay Gopinathan
- 09/29 Roland Winston - {Solar Energy} (UCM) --- Dustin Kleckner
- 10/06 George Chapline - {Quantum Simulation} (Lawrence Livermore National Lab) --- Chih-Chun Chien
- 10/13 Doug Finkbeiner - {Astrophysics} (Harvard) --- Kevin Mitchell
- 10/20 Jing Xu {Biophysics/Soft matter} (UCM) --- Dustin Kleckner
- 10/27 Andrew Canning - {Condensed Matter Theory} (LBNL) --- David Strubbe
- 11/03 Far West Section meeting
- 11/10 Veterans Day
- 11/17 Fred MacKintosh - {Biophysics/Soft matter} (Rice) --- Ajay Gopinathan
- 11/24 Thanksgiving
- 12/01 Maxime Theillard - {Fluid/Active Matter Simulations} (UCM)
- 12/08 Fall Undergraduate Thesis Presentations --- Lin Tian
2017 Spring semester
- 01/20 Mihai Gherase - Medical and Biological Applications of X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) (CSU Fresno) --- Sharping
- 01/27 David Weitz - The Magic of Microfluidics: Dripping, Jetting, Drops & Wetting (Harvard) --- Jennifer Lu
- 02/03(9:15am SSM104) Gianluigi Ciovati - Non-linearities in the surface impedance of Nb for accelerator cavity applications (Jefferson Lab) --- Sharping
- 02/03(10:30am COB 267) Sarah Kurtz - Photovoltaic Technology - Fascinating Science & A Pathway to Prosperity (NREL) --- Hirst
- 02/10 Gergely Zimanyi - Nanoparticle Solar Cells: Upconversion, Downconversion, Transport (UC Davis) --- Strubbe
- 02/17
- 02/24 S. Gnanakaran - Targeting Efflux Pump Machinery at Multiple Scales (LANL) --- Gopinathan
- 03/03 Stefan Zollner - Precision Measurements of Optical Constants Using Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (NMSU) --- Scheibner
- 03/10 Joshua Moss - Exploring the Building Blocks of Nature using Particle Collisions with the ATLAS Detector and the Large Hadron Collider at CERN (CSUS) --- Menke
- 03/17 no seminars (APS March Meeting)
- 03/24 Samuel G. Carter - Spins in InAs quantum dots: qubits, sensors, and photon sources (NRL) --- Scheibner
- 03/31 spring break
- 04/07 Weihong Qiu - KlpA is a Novel Processive Kinesin-14 Motor with Tunable Directionality (Oregon State U) --- Xu
- 04/14 Xavier Andrade - Negative Differential Conductivity in Liquid Aluminum from Real-time Time-dependent Density Functional Theory (LLNL) --- Strubbe
- 04/21 David Ando - What are second generation biofuels, and how can we make them? (LBNL) --- Xu
- 04/28 Arvind Gopinath - Memory, persistence of strain and loss of coherence in active motor-filament assemblies (UCM) --- Liu
- 05/05 Senior Undergraduate Thesis Presentations --- Tian
2016 Fall semester
- 08/26 Kevin Wright - Ultracold Atom Circuits and Quantum Phases of Matter (Dartmouth) --- Chien
- 09/02 Pavan Kadandale - Enhancing the undergrad experience (UC Irvine) --- Menke
- 09/09 Ivan Smalyukh - Nanoparticles in liquid crystals (Boulder) --- Ghosh
- 09/16 Parveen Kumar - Nanosheets and Single Nanowire Heterostructures (UCM) --- Scheibner
- 09/23 Paul Goldbart - Seeking simplicity in complexity: A physicist’s view of vulcanized media (Georgia Tech) --- Gopinathan
- 09/30 Ram Seshadri - Solid-state chemistry in energy efficiency: Lighting phosphors and thermoelectric materials (UCSB) --- Hirst
- 10/07 On Shun Pak - Living a Complex Life at Low Reynolds Number (Santa Clara) --- Liu
- 10/14 Andrew Geraci - Hunting for axions and new short-range forces using AMO sensors (University of Nevada Reno) --- Sharping
- 10/21 Robijn Bruinsma - Lev Landau and the Physics of Viral Assembly (UCLA) --- Liu
- 10/28 David Strubbe - Computational simulations of solar-energy materials: amorphous silicon and solar thermal fuels (UCM) --- Liu
- 11/04 Daniel Axelrod - Evanescence in Optical Microscopy with Applications to Cell Biology (U Michigan Ann Arbor) --- Xu
- 11/11 Veterans Day
- 11/18 No seminar
- 11/25 Thanksgiving
- 12/02 Kimani Toussaint - Novel Applications of Plasmonic Bowtie Nanoantennas in the Presence of Heating (UIUC) --- Ghosh
- 12/09 Fall Undergraduate Thesis Presentations --- Sharping
2016 Spring semester
- 01/22 Severine Atis (Harvard) --- Mitchell
- 01/29 Dustin Kleckner (UC Merced) --- Liu
- 02/05 Mohammad Mofrad (UC Berkeley) --- Gopinathan
- 02/12 Sophia Economou (VT) --- Michael Scheibner
- 02/19 Rudolf Pogdornik (University of Ljubljana, UMass Amherst) --- Gopinathan
- 02/26 Aparna Baskaran (Brandeis University) --- Gopinathan
- 03/04 Yu Zeng (UC Merced) --- Liu
- 03/11 Jing Xu (UC Merced) --- Liu
- 03/18 APS March Meeting --- No colloquium
- 03/25 Spring break
- 04/01 Steve Gross (UCI) --- Xu
- 04/08 Malcolm Boshier (Los Alamos) --- Chien
- 04/15 Jenny Ross (UMAss Amherst) --- Xu
- 04/22 Cheng Zhu (LLNL) --- Jennifer Lu
- 04/29 Undergraduate research presentation
2015 Fall semester
- 08/28 Alex Noy (UC Merced) --- Chien
- 09/04 Francois Blanchette (UC Merced) --- Mitchell
- 09/11 Vivek Shenoy (UPenn) --- Gopinathan
- 09/18 Cecilia Leal (UIUC) ---Hirst
- 09/25 Erwin Frey (LMU Munich) --- Gopinathan
- 10/02 Fred Cooper (Santa Fe Institute) ---Chien
- 10/09 Prof Liang-Chy Chien (Kent State) ---Hirst
- 10/16 Richard Packard (UC Berkeley) --- Chien
- 10/23 Mohammad Mofrad (UC Berkeley) ---Gopinathan
- 10/30 --- No colloquium
- 11/06 Prashant Nagpal (CU Boulder) --- Ghosh
- 11/13 Tao Ye (UC Merced) --- Chien
- 11/20 Joshua Shaevitz (Princeton) --- Gopinathan
- 11/27 Thanksgiving holiday --- No colloquium
- 12/04 Hernan Garcia (UC Berkeley)--- Gopinathan
- 12/11 Undergraduate presentation
2015 Spring semester
- 01/23 Nick Ouellette (Yale) --- Mitchell
- 01/30 Michael Scheibner (UC Merced)
- 02/06 Bin Liu (UC Merced)
- 02/13 Rajiv Singh (UC Davis) --- Gopinathan
- 02/20 Michael Covin (UC Merced)
- 02/27 Anand Bala Subramaniam (UC Merced)
- 03/06 APS March Meeting --- No colloquium
- 03/13 Cheo Park (NASA) --- Sharping
- 03/20 Siyuan Han (U. Kansas) --- Lin
- 03/27 Holiday --- No colloquium
- 04/03 Jinghua Guo (LBNL) ---- Ghosh
- 04/10 Michael Zwolak (NIST) --- Chien
- 04/17 Omar Saleh (UCSB) --- Gopinathan
- 04/24 Oscar Murrillo (NASA) --- Sharping
- 05/01 Orlando Guzman --- Ghosh
- 05/08 Undergraduate presentations --- Sharping/Menke
2014 Fall semester
- 08/29 Roland Winston (UC Merced)
- 09/05 Chen-Yen Lai (UC Merced) --- Chien
- 09/12 Victor Munoz (UC Merced)
- 09/19 Jian-Xin Zhu (Los Alamos National Lab) --- Chien
- 09/26 Giacomo Vacca (Kinetic River Corp) --- Sharping
- 10/03 Peter Fischer (LBNL/UC Santa Cruz) --- Ghosh
- 10/10 Robin Selinger (Kent Sate) --- Hirst
- 10/17 Graduate student presentation --- Chien
- 10/24 Massimiliano Di Ventra (UC San Diego) --- Chien
- 10/31 Tom Solomon (Bucknell University) --- Mitchell
- 11/07 Jim Franson (UMBC) -- Sharping
- 11/14 Chen-Lung Hung (Caltech/Purdue) --- Chien
- 11/21 Suckjoon Kim (UCSD) - Gopinathan
- 11/28 Thanksgiving holiday
- 12/05 Senior Thesis presentations --- Senior Thesis coordinator
- 12/12 Kerwyn Huang (Stanford) - Gopinathan
- 12/19 Final exams (No colloquium)