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May 15, 2019
Class of 2019 Student Speakers Leave UC Merced with Messages of Gratitude By Cyndee Fontana-Ott, For UC Merced May 15, 2019 Undergraduates Victoria Arias and Cydney Caradonna entered UC Merced through different doors. Arias was a freshman impressed with the campus and community. Caradonna...
May 13, 2019
Physics Professor Linda Hirst has been named this year’s recipient of the British Liquid Crystal Society’s C. Hilsum Medal for her contributions to liquid crystal science and technology. She journeyed to Leeds, England, to receive the prestigious medal, attend an awards dinner and deliver the...
February 25, 2019
It sounds like an easy-to-follow recipe from the world of molecular gastronomy: Dissolve nanoparticles in liquid crystals and cool to form frothy nanofoams, tiny tubes and hollow microspheres. But what fifth-year doctoral student Sheida Riahinasab and physics Professor Linda Hirst actually...
November 13, 2018
Imagine exploring the cores of stars to understand — and ultimately control — the type of fusion that’s taking place. High-energy density (HED) science is the study of properties and behavior of matter and radiation in extreme temperatures and pressures common to the deep...
October 11, 2018
UC Merced is part of a concerted effort to dramatically increase diversity in physics and astronomy over the next five years. The campus is one of nine University of California campuses and 15 California State University campuses awarded a $5 million grant from the National Science Foundation...
October 5, 2018
Highlights from the Physics Department’s accomplishments during the 2017-2018 academic year were celebrated at the fall Physics Department Social on October 5. Department Chair Ajay Gopinathan shared the following items: New faculty: Daniel Beller joined the department from Brown...
September 20, 2018
Chih-Chun Chien, Michael Scheibner, and collaborators have discovered a simple setup exploiting the quantum nature of electrons and triangular geometry to induce spontaneous current circulation between three quantum dots, in a new paper published in Europhysics Letters. In contrast to...
September 20, 2018
Classical analogs of solid state topological insulators, which support protected sound or light waves along their edges, are being realized in cutting-edge soft matter research. In a new paper published online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Scienes, Kinjal Dasbiswas and collaborators...
September 12, 2018
Even if some members of a goal-driven group don’t seem to work well with others — even if the whole group is extremely frustrated — the group can still compromise and find new ways to produce a successful outcome. This sounds like a political allegory, but it’s actually a...
July 16, 2018
UC Solar received a $1.1 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) to develop solar-thermal desalination technologies that reduce the cost of creating fresh water from otherwise unusable waters such as seawater, brackish water and polluted water. UC...
