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Teaching-Related Resources

Graduate students typically teach as teaching assistants (TAs), but in some cases can also be the instructor of record for a class, as a "Teaching Fellow." Discuss potential openings with the department chair. This is most commonly done for PHYS 8, 18, 9, or 19 in the summer.

The following criteria are established by the Graduate Handbook:

In addition to the criteria detailed above [for a TA], all of the following additional qualifications apply for appointment as a Teaching Fellow (pursuant to APM 410

  • A master’s degree or equivalent training or advancement to candidacy for a Ph.D. degree.
  • At least two years of teaching experience (such as that of a Teaching Assistant) within or outside of the University.
  • Within normative time-to-degree.
  • Total combined academic student employment service cannot exceed 12 semesters (14 for students enrolled during the Spring 2020 through Spring 2022 semesters); see Teaching Appointment Periods and Limitations.

There are special procedures and a petition for teaching upper-division courses.

Other opportunities:

Considering discussing with alumni who have gone on to teaching careers.

Opportunities for postdocs: